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As the name suggests, the pkgserver manages packages. Fundamentally, a package is a set of Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM) resources in YAML format. These resources may include artifacts of software components, configuration, or a combination thereof. By leveraging KRM, pkgserver provides a flexible and extensible framework for defining and managing complex systems, through a well defined API framework.

To facilitate the organization of packages, the pkgserver leverages repositories to manage packages. Within this framework, pkgserver distinguishes between two primary types of repositories: deployment/catalog repositories.

Catalog repositories, also known as blueprint repositories, serve as templates for software components and configurations.Packages in these repositories define the structure and composition of the desired KRM resources, providing a standardized framework for deployment.

On the other hand, deployment repositories holds packages with actual artifacts necessary for deployment, including software components and configuration artifacts. These packages contain the tangible elements required to instantiate the deployment artifacts.

graph TD;
    subgraph "Package Organization"
        RepositoryC[Repository Catalog];
        RepositoryD[Repository Deployment];
        PackageC[Package as Catalog];
        PackageD[Package for Deployment];
        RepositoryC --> |1:N| PackageC;
        RepositoryD --> |1:N| PackageD;

Central to the functionality of pkgserver is its robust lifecycle management system for packages. This system encompasses essential operations such as discovery, creation, reading, updating, and deletion of packages, commonly referred to as CRUD operations.

Additionally, pkgserver offers comprehensive versioning capabilities, allowing users to track and manage changes to packages over time. This ensures traceability and facilitates the implementation of controlled release processes.

PkgServer Resources#

PkgServer manages the following resources:

  • Repositories: A repository is a way to organize and manage packages. The pkgserver distinguishes between two primary types of repositories: deployment repositories and catalog/blueprint repositories.

  • PackageRevisions: A specific revision of a package managed by the pkgserver in one of the registered repositories. This resource represents a metadata view of a specific package revision.

  • PackageRevisionResources: this resource represents the contents of a package revision (KRM resources contained in the package).

PackageRevisions and PackageRevisionResources represent different views of the same underlying package. PackageRevisions represents the package metadata, and PackageRevisionResources represents the package content.